GHOST COP | “Hey Mister”

New York-Based Electronic Duo Sends a Chilling Warning in Ominous Video

In HEY MISTER [video | bandcamp], the new single by New York electronic duo GHOST COP,  a lurid tale of predation and murder is drawn out over a slow and brooding cinematic soundscape. Sean Dack’s stark and ominous programming compliments the abstract and enigmatic spoken word of Lucy Swope, as she deadpans the story of a female serial killer who flips the script on would-be sexual predators. In the video, elements of surveillance technology mediate ideas of power and control, and the band’s interest in genre films becomes apparent in visuals and aesthetics that take their cues from neo-noir and giallo films (their previous video, ENHANCE, was a nod to low-budget horror, and was accepted into multiple film festivals). Both the song and the video were created within the band’s 500 sq ft Manhattan apartment and nearby environs during the Covid-19 outbreak this spring.

The release was timed to support artists affected by the global pandemic. GHOST COP donated all proceeds during Bandcamp Day earlier this month to National Bail Out, with a personal match to Black Lives Matter. 


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